The reason I chose music to blog about is because music has been a big part of my life. I started playing music 7 years ago. Since then I have actively been involved in band in high school and I taught myself how to play guitar. Being in band, I played music every day. I was fortunate to be able to play so many pieces of great music and so many different types of it. I listen to a lot of music in my spare time. It is fascinating how music can make us feel. For example, listening to classical music may calm us down. Listening to rock or screamo may get our adrenaline going and wake us up.
If you think about it, music is important in a lot of aspects. Movies would not be nearly as engaging or dramatic without any music playing. Everyone has seen those movies where something sad happens and a slow, depressing song starts up to really set the mood. Or when a hero comes back successfully doing whatever they were doing and you hear the heroic music playing. Imagine a famous scene in a movie without music. It just doesn't have the same effect.
Composers of music can really express their feelings into a piece of music. I've played music in band before and my band director reads why the composer wrote this music. I can feel what the composer feels just by hearing the tone of the music set. I like to really examine music when I listen to it. I like to look for time changes or key changes. I always ask myself: Why did the composer write this or add this certain thing? I really appreciate music and my life would be much different if I didn't have music to play or listen to.
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